Huichungong - International Version

Huichungong - International version

Hui Chun Gong (Return of the Spring) is an around 800 year old Daoist form of movement, in accordance with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), that was practised secretly for centuries in monasteries and palaces (rejuvenation exercises of the Yellow Emperor). It was developed by Hao Datong (1149 – 11212), the founder of the Hua Shan School.

Grand Master Bian Zhi Zhong, heir in the 19th generation of the Huashan Monastry, first published these health-promoting exercises at the beginning of the 1980s.

Hui Chun Gong consists of 24 exercises, including pre- and post-exercises, as well as specific breathing techniques, which can be carried out in sequence or singly. Even with just 10 – 20 minutes of daily exercise many complaints can be alleviated and the immune system strengthened.

Hui Chun Gong influences the endocrine system and can be effective against obesity, rheumatism, arthrosis, musculoskeletal disorders, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, diabetes, menopausal complaints, metabolic disorders and weakness of the nervous system.

Hui Chun Gong can be practised at any age and without prior experience.

The exercises are carried out with slow, flowing, smooth and gentle movements.
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